Laura Brown
People Type:
Research Area:
Cryosphere, Climate – Lake ice interactions, Snow cover, Arctic, Remote sensing, numerical modelling.
Young KL, Brown LC. 2023 Temperature and Precipitation Trends of the Shoulder Seasons at Polar Bear Pass (Nanuit Itillinga) – A Ramsar Wetland of Importance, Nunavut. Wetlands 43, 68,
Brown LC and Duguay CR. 2022. Lake Ice [in Arctic Report Card 2022],, DOI: 10.25923/1v84-vt30
Dauginis A and Brown LC. 2021. Recent changes in pan-Arctic sea ice, lake ice, and snow-on/off timing. The Cryosphere, 15, 4781–4805,
Robinson AL, Ariano SS, Brown LC. 2021. The Influence of Snow and Ice Albedo towards Improved Lake Ice Simulations. Hydrology, 8(1), 11,
Dauginis A and Brown LC. 2020. Sea ice and snow phenology in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago from 1997 - 2018. Arctic Science, 7,1,