- Student Life: Offers a wide range of additional programs and services for all students (e.g. Academic Success, Career Services, Housing Services, First Nations House, Accommodations and more).
- Student Housing: Offers resources for finding on or off-campus housing.
- Indigenous Student Services: First Nations House provides culturally-relevant services to Indigenous students that support and unite academic success with personal growth and leadership development. We offer learning opportunities for all students to engage with Indigenous communities, within the University of Toronto and beyond.
- Sexual & Gender Diversity Office: Innovative education, programming, resources and advocacy on sexual and gender diversity for students, staff and faculty across the University’s three campuses.
- Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office: The Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office serves faculty, staff and students in various ways to help facilitate a supportive environment within which to live, learn and work.
- Family Care Office: The Family Care Office provides confidential guidance, resources, referrals, educational programming and advocacy for the University of Toronto community and their families.
- Links to various other student services and support on all three campuses
International Students
- Centre for International Experience: The Centre for International Experience serves international students coming to U of T and domestic students looking to go abroad.
- English Language Support: Resources for non-native speakers of English.
- Massey College/University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies Scholar-at-Risk Program
Health & Wellness
- Graduate Student Wellness Portal: Directory of services, resources and academic supports for graduate students.
- Accessibility Services: Academic accommodations, adaptive technology and other disability-related supports and services.
- Health & Wellness Centre: Offers students a wide range of services to help support them in achieving their personal and academic best.
- Mental Health Resources: Listing of resources compiled by the department for students, faculty and staff.
Financial Planning
- Funding and Fees
- Financial Planning Calendar: Tool to assist students to budget for their year at U of T.