Beyond Apartheid: Palestine Futures in Law and Lands

When and Where

Monday, January 22, 2024 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
William Doo Auditorium
45 Wilcocks Street


Mohammad Fadel
Ariel Katz
Majd Al-Shihabi
Beverley Mullings
Deb Cowen


This event will feature a panel presentation and discussion by three scholars at the University of Toronto on the legal and geographical histories and futures of Palestine. Mohammad Fadel is Professor at the Faculty of Law; Ariel Katz is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, and Majd Al-Shihabi is a doctoral student in the Department of Geography & Planning. The event will be facilitated by Professors Beverley Mullings and Deb Cowen from the Department of Geography & Planning.


45 Wilcocks Street

