Exploring Toronto's Future: UTAGA Hosts Exclusive Tour of Villiers Island with Waterfront Toronto

July 3, 2024 by Department of Geography & Planning
The University of Toronto Association of Geography Alumni (UTAGA) recently organized an exclusive Waterfront Toronto Tour of Villiers Island, bringing together alumni, students, faculty, and staff from the Geography and Planning community. The event was a collaborative effort aimed at providing firsthand insights into upcoming city planning projects along Toronto’s waterfront, with a particular focus on Villiers Island. 
The island is expected to accommodate a future population of 15,000 residents, 9,000 housing units, and create 3,000 jobs. For more details on the Villiers Island Project, visit: Waterfront Toronto’s Design Review Panel Reviews Villiers Island Density and Massing Study.
The tour commenced at 62 Villiers Street, where participants gathered for an orientation and overview of Villiers Island, followed by a walk to the lookout tower. They then crossed the Cherry Street North bridge, visiting key sites including the Martin Goodman Trail (Waterfront East Transit), Quayside, Parliament Slip, Water’s edge promenade, Aitken Place Park, George Brown, Sherbourne Common South, and Sugar Beach.
Special recognition goes to Puneh Jamshidi, President of UTAGA, and Zenon Godzyk, Vice-President of UTAGA, for their efforts in organizing this enriching tour. UTAGA looks forward to hosting more engaging events in the upcoming 2024 fall session. Stay updated by following us on social media (InstagramXLinkedIn) and subscribe to our weekly digest for updates on departmental events and news.


