Luana Camelo

MSc Student (she/her)


Fields of Study

Areas of Interest

Hydrology, Biogeochemistry, Land Use Change, Soil Science, Watershed Management


My research focuses on investigating the factors influencing road salt accumulation and mobility in streams and soils by (1) quantifying sodium sorption isotherms and desorption dynamics in various surface soil types in southern Ontario and (2) analyzing concentration-discharge relationships of sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and chloride (Cl) in a highly urbanized watershed in the Greater Toronto Area. As an undergraduate research assistant, I have had the opportunity to deepen by understanding of the links and feedbacks between hydrology, biogeochemistry, and land cover. My undergraduate research thesis assessed the efficiency of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Southern region of Brazil using non-parametric statistical analysis. Additionally, I was part of a study that analyzed the biophysical impacts of land use and land cover changes in the Pantanal wetland through remote sensing. Furthermore, I worked as an environmental engineer in Brazil, primarily focusing on Watershed Management Plans.


Professor Tim Duval




BSc Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, Brazil)